Donald Trump Trolled As Media Accountability 'Study' Gets Hijacked

'Do you believe that the media has been far too quick to spread false stories?'
Donald Trump's latest attempt to tackle the media has been hijacked
Donald Trump's latest attempt to tackle the media has been hijacked

Donald Trump’s attempts to gauge the opinions of his supporters on the mainstream American media have been sensationally hijacked.

Trump’s campaign website published a so-called “Media Accountability Study” after midnight on Tuesday in an effort to understand what those favourable to the president think about the press.

The bizarre quiz asks questions such as: “Do you trust the mainstream media to tell the truth about the Republican Party’s positions?”

Trump’s campaign website published a so-called ‘Media Accountability Study’ after midnight on Tuesday
Trump’s campaign website published a so-called ‘Media Accountability Study’ after midnight on Tuesday
It appears to be an effort to understand if those favourable to the president agree with his views on the press
It appears to be an effort to understand if those favourable to the president agree with his views on the press
The bizarre quiz asks questions such as: 'Do you believe the mainstream media has reported unfairly on our movement?'
The bizarre quiz asks questions such as: 'Do you believe the mainstream media has reported unfairly on our movement?'

Another question asks: “Do you believe that political correctness has created biased news coverage on both illegal immigration and radical Islamic terrorism?”

The questions were sent to supporters after Trump’s bizarre press conference on Thursday in which the newly-elected leader of the free world harangued and berated the media.

Perhaps most worryingly, the quiz asks: “Do you believe that the media wrongly attributes gun violence to Second Amendment rights?”

But the ‘study’ was quickly seized upon by his opponents, who are encouraging anyone and everyone to take part in the survey to skew the results.

Trump has a survey on his website about media bias. It would TERRIBLE if we all took it to balance out the results!

— Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) February 17, 2017

The Trump "Mainstream Media Accountability Survey." Let's every last one of us help by completing it! (But omit PII)

— Susan Hennessey (@Susan_Hennessey) February 17, 2017

After an hour and 17 minutes of media bashing, I got this survey from the Trump administration GO FOR IT

— Randi Rhodes (@RandiRhodes) February 17, 2017

But then someone pointed out a terrifying prospect.

uhm. i know people are having laughs with trump's media survey but does anyone know how much personally identifying/tracking info it sends?

— ryan gothling (@UnburntWitch) February 17, 2017

Any findings favourable to the president’s position will no doubt be used by his administration.

During Thursday’s press conference, Trump said he hoped to “get along a little bit better” with the press going forward - “if that’s possible.”

“Maybe it’s not, and that’s OK, too,” he added.


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