Mum Shares Heartbreaking Photos Of Stillborn Son Who Didn't Survive Car Accident

'I'm so sorry you got hurt in that nasty crash, little man.'

A mum has shared heartbreaking photos of her baby who was stillborn after she was involved in a car accident while six months’ pregnant.

Emma Fairbairn, from Wales, was taken straight to hospital after the accident and said she felt her baby kicking when she was in the ambulance.

However during her overnight observation, a midwife came to check her unborn baby’s heart again and wasn’t able to find a heartbeat.

“It just feels like a nightmare I can’t wake up from,” Fairbairn told HuffPost UK. “My whole world has been ripped apart and I’m devastated.

“I’d be able to get my head around it a bit better if there had been something medically wrong, but he was perfectly healthy and for the first few hours after the crash I was told he was okay and I genuinely thought we were so lucky to both be surviving it.”


Explaining what happened on a GoFundMe page, Fairbairn’s friend, Jasmin McGinley, wrote: “Emma was rushed off to a scan where she was told that unfortunately, they couldn’t find a heartbeat anymore.

“Emma gave birth to her beautiful baby boy, Flynn Fairbairn, born sleeping on 28 May, weighing a tiny 1lbs 6oz.

“As we can imagine, Emma is heartbroken and although we can’t take away her pain, we can help with funeral expenses to help give baby Flynn a perfect funeral.”


Fairbairn got to spend two days with her son in the ward where she gave birth.

“All the midwives were amazing,” Fairbairn told HuffPost UK.

“Anything raised over the cost of the funeral will be donated to the ward where I gave birth.”


Taking to Facebook after the accident, Fairbairn wrote: “These past 27 hours have been the worst of my life. Just knowing Flynn has gone and I’m never going to see him open his eyes or cry or watch him take his first steps, nothing.

“His poor little body couldn’t take the pain or stress from the horrific crash and there was nothing I could do to save him when my body was meant to keep him safe and up until late last night I thought it had.

“Rest in peace my beautiful baby boy.”

To donate to baby Flynn’s funeral, visit Fairbairn’s GoFundMe page.

At the time of writing, the family had raised £895 of their £1,000 goal.
