andy burnham

Punishment of those who defy him, in Greater Manchester and in London, is not a good look for a PM.
The government and Andy Burnham could not agree about the level of support needed for workers in the region as tier 3 lockdown bites.
Keir Starmer demands "fair one nation deals" as pressure builds on Boris Johnson after Greater Manchester row.
Boris Johnson's officials offered £60m but slashed support after local leaders refused to sign up, say those close to talks.
"This is no way to run the country in a national crisis," Greater Manchester mayor says.
Businesses set to be closed include pubs, betting shops, casinos and bingo halls as Andy Burnham accuses government of "deliberate act of levelling down"
Prime minister spoke to Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham after the deadline for negotiations passed at midday.
Greater Manchester has been given a deadline of midday on Tuesday to agree to tier 3.
The Greater Manchester mayor has nailed his colours to the mast in opposing harsher measures. Here's what his constituents think.
Downing Street hits back at Andy Burnham's suggestion that Boris Johnson was "exaggerating" the seriousness of Covid in the city,