brandon lewis

There are also growing signs of a civil service walkout over his plan to break international law and unpick his own exit deal.
"Yes this does break international law in a very specific and limited way," says Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis.
Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis says he is "very proud" people are willing to hand cash to his party.
Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis admitted: 'There has been a bit of an issue at the labs.'
Minister's letter to MPs ahead of Brexit bill vote, seen by HuffPost UK, is "nothing other than a PR exercise", say Lib Dems.
"This is no way to treat people, let alone what was promised," says 3million campaign.
Foreign office minister under investigation following incident with Greenpeace protester at chancellor's Mansion House speech.
Conservatives facing statutory probe if watchdog now agrees
Brandon Lewis has displayed a "classic trait of institutional racism", according to ex-cabinet minister Baroness Warsi.