British African-Caribbean people

Action by equalities watchdog comes a day after a government-backed report claimed institutional racism does not exist in the UK.
"It was shocking. It was insulting. The government hasn’t learned from its mistakes or shown any consideration for the Windrush victims," one relative said.
Like rebuilding Britain in 1948, the battle against Covid-19 has seen a generation of Black migrants asked to help. But after their experiences of racism, will they?
Up to £1 million in funding has been earmarked by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government for a “lasting, fitting tribute”.
The ship made its final voyage in 1954 and currently lies nearly 3000 metres below the Mediterranean sea.
As we approach the first anniversary of the scandal, the fight for victims is still not over.
“No amount of money could ever fully compensate for what's happened to me.”
Today marks 70 years since the first of the ‘Windrush Generation’ arrived in the UK when 500 people stepped off the Empire Windrush at Tilbury Docks.