
It could signal the end of an era for high street brands including Topshop, Topman and Dorothy Perkins.
Hospitality venues are on their knees – and the government support scheme won't replace their lost earnings.
Overseas staff who pluck for Britain will be able to work during quarantine – but must stay abreast of other requirements.
Clare Lombardelli said modelling the impact of specific measures would be “very difficult”.
Quizzed by Labour's Keir Starmer, PM says some of taxpayers' cash went on countering anti-vaxxers.
Nigel Adams claims to be "unaware" Selby and Ainsty Constituency Conservative Association got £10,000 to pay business rates for Tadcaster office.
The government hasn’t taken on board its coronavirus failures from earlier this year, experts and campaigners say.
One scientist who advises the government said ignoring calls for a circuit-breaker cost "thousands of lives".
Millionaire Julian Metcalfe, who has not run the business for a decade, questioned the wisdom of locking down "to save a few thousand lives of very old or vulnerable people".
Cafes and restaurants filling the gap left by the Tories' refusal to extend free school meals say they're doing it because they feel a moral obligation.