Desmond Swayne

Former minister claims it would be "thought crime" if the Conservative whip was withdrawn.
Labour said reports ex-minister claimed coronavirus figures had been "manipulated" were "extremely concerning".
Sir Desmond Swayne is one of several backbenchers demanding a recall of the Commons. Grant Shapps has disputed the claims.
Sir Desmond Swayne appears to liken “vaccinationism” to other forms of discrimination like sexism and racism.
Backbenchers watching for what government does, not what it says.
Former minister says "nothing" would make him less likely to go shopping, as Matt Hancock outlines measures to prevent retail staff dying from coronavirus.
A photograph of Desmond Swayne in blackface has surfaced days after he described the racist costume as "a bit of fun".
Former minister comes close to admitting to doing it himself.