
The daytime star insisted she "wasn’t supposed to cause any upset to anybody" with what she described as her "light-hearted comment".
"Every night, as we turn off Logan’s bedroom light and turn on the baby monitor, we hold our breath, steeling ourselves for the great unknown."
Just three NHS prescriptions have been given out since medical cannabis was legalised in 2018, it's been suggested.
The NHS is running low on medication for epilepsy, heart conditions, cancer and mental illnesses, according to a new document.
“Sometimes, doctors need to think about things on a more human and personal level.”
All you need to know about cannabis-based medicinal products, a year after they were legalised in the UK.
Medical cannabis was legalised last year, but patients say they are struggling to access NHS prescriptions.
Carly Barton, who has been using medicinal cannabis to treat excruciating chronic pain condition, says patients are being let down by the latest draft guidance from Nice.