Eric Trump

Donald Trump's second-born son insisted to Sean Hannity that his father is the most beloved political figure in US history.
He vowed to "personally work" against members of his own party who don't support the president's attempt to overturn the election.
The pardons could benefit Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump, as well as son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Research has, however, linked his rallies to hundreds of Covid-19 deaths.
"Careful what you wish for," one Twitter user sniped at Donald Trump's son.
The president's son once again falsely declared the election was rigged.
“I mean, the lines are gonna be shorter,” he quipped on The Late Late Show.
Donald Trump’s son tweeted a graphic without comment. Critics had plenty to say.
Donald Trump's son tweeted for people in Minnesota to "get out and vote" one week after the 2020 election.
Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. are the president's biggest proxies in attempting to undermine democracy.