Human Kind

Joan Rich, who worked for the NHS for much of her life, says: "I hope it makes a difference."
Small business owners may have faced unrivalled challenges during lockdown - but they still gave back to the community.
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George Kettani, the head of Lebanon’s Red Cross, said: “What we are witnessing is a huge catastrophe. There are victims and casualties everywhere.”
From befriending helplines to WhatsApp groups, lockdown forced us to confront loneliness in our communities. Here's how to keep it up.
The Duchess of Cambridge recorded a message for children, reminding them of the importance of kindness – to ourselves and others – in this pandemic.
The Manchester United player successfully campaigned for children to get free school meals this summer.
“Clap For Carers is amazing, but I don’t think it was enough," says 19-year-old Soumya, who has launched a letter-writing scheme to thank key workers.
Giving back is a key step in my recovery from addiction. And we need to give back now more than ever.
Stuck at home from college, we wanted to help during the pandemic. We never expected how fast our idea would catch on.
From the woman making face covers for her community to the father-daughter duo delivering plants for free – lockdown is bringing out the best in us.