Humanitarian aid

Many Palestinian aid workers are facing an uphill battle trying to coordinate humanitarian assistance in Gaza while keeping their families safe.
The United Nations called for the cease-fire to the Israel-Hamas attacks so that aid can reach people in Gaza, who have gone nearly two weeks without food, water and other essentials.
Foreign secretary Liz Truss has been urged to bring back the government's commitment to spend 0.7 per of national income on international development.
The UK government announced it plans to resettle 20,000 Afghan refugees and at least 5,000 in the first year. But what can you do to help?
Nobel Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai is among those to condemn the government for cutting funding in Wednesday's Spending Review.
Left unchecked, it will wipe out entire families, run riot through communities and spread across borders, making it a threat to us all, International Development Secretary Alok Sharma writes.
The Charity Commission said Viva Palestina's charitable funds donated by the public were "put at risk".
The prime minister called for an end to the civil war.
The database will be announced at an international summit on safeguarding in the aid sector.