maisie williams

Whether it’s Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner meeting in Game of Thrones auditions, Titanic making BFFs out of Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, or John Travolta and his buddy Pitbull getting matching hairstyles, Hollywood has formed some of the strongest - and most unlikely - friendships.
Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner, Kit Harington and Isaac Hempstead Wright all had excellent reactions to seeing younger versions of themselves.
But new show Two Weeks to Live is a world away from Westeros.
The rousing moment featured in a behind-the-scenes documentary about HBO's epic fantasy drama.
“I just wanted to be on set with Lena [Headey] again, she’s good fun,” said the “Game of Thrones” actress in an interview.
"That discomfort I had initially seemed to have been shared by quite a lot of people who have watched that episode."
The actress reminded everyone that Arya "really is that bitch".