Manchester United F.C.

Former Stoke City manager and Manchester United player Lou Macari, has adapted his homeless centre to make it Covid safe. The individual pods house more than 40 people, complete with bed, TV and heating. They also have their own door number, which helps them to provide an address at the job centre.
Labour let “the home team have a clear run", says pundit after party abstained in vote on restrictions.
Manchester United and England star tells Kevin Hollinrake to "talk to families before tweeting".
The prime minister reversed his initial decision after a campaign by Marcus Rashford.
"It’s something that’s got worse in the last three years in this country and not just in football.”
It is understood the situation could lead to an indefinite ban.
Former England international Paul Parker and ex-Wimbledon and Jamaica striker Marcus Gayle call for more action at Labour's party conference in Brighton.
The sports star urged his fellow players to take a stand against abuse following another racist onslaught by Cagliari fans on Sunday.
The former Manchester United forward gave the speech while collecting the Uefa President’s Award.
The deal for the 26-year-old is now subject to a medical.