Nikki Haley

The Republican presidential candidate faced an internet pile on after she declined to say slavery was the cause of the Civil War.
Haley, not the coup-attempting former president, would be the toughest opponent for Biden, recent polling shows.
"In a time where we need to start getting our act together, do we really want to go that route?" the former South Carolina governor said.
For large portions of the debate, the five Republican underdog presidential candidates did not mention either Trump or Biden.
The two 2024 Republican presidential candidates got into a tense exchange over whether to ban the social media app TikTok.
With less than four months before primary voting starts, the non-Trump field likely did little to make up ground against the coup-attempting front-runner.
The former New Jersey governor reveals why he's living "rent-free" inside the former president's head.
Ron DeSantis who? The 2024 field aiming their guns on a political newcomer is another sign of the Florida governor's weakened position in the race.
“Abortions on demand,” “born alive abortions” and other fact-free claims were on display at the first GOP debate.
The Labour mayor warned the UK is not immune to similar “culture wars” tactics