
"Being surrounded by trees, plants and wildlife can evoke feelings of wonder and awe in children."
A huge number of the UK public sent their first sexual image when they were under 18.
Sibling dynamics can be challenging. Here's how to encourage a strong relationship between your children.
The idea that parents have to give up their own desires to ensure the happiness of their children is tired — and incorrect.
"I hadn’t realised how much I’d longed to hear those words from my mother all my life."
"In my darkest moments, school officials who used to applaud my parenting now wondered if I was up for the task."
These words would mean so much to parents of grown kids, therapists say.
"In a public bathroom: 'Mommy, why does your bottom cover the whole toilet seat but mine doesn’t?'"
These simple but powerful statements could pave the way for a stronger, healthier relationship.