plastic pollution

From consumers to retailers to researchers, we all have a role to play in making our clothing sustainable
While plastic pollution continues to fuel public anger, another more menacing threat to all life on earth brews overhead – climate change
Only a fraction of local councils recycle them.
Is there anywhere in the world we won't find plastic?
It was all to raise awareness of the levels of plastic in our oceans 🌊
Plastic Oceans UK serve battered plastic bottles to the people of Blackburn, making a point about the possible future of the oceans. Some of the customers weren’t best pleased.
Stopping some damage is not enough. We must commit to a positive programme of ocean recovery to combat the effects of climate breakdown, and boost our oceans’ capacity to tackle climate change.
More than 105,000 people have signed petition to major period product manufacturers.
Saving the planet requires limits and sacrifices. However, we have a problem when leaders are unwilling to ensure public bodies are not cutting corners