priti patel

A Twitter user commented on a photo of David Lammy on the Tube, saying: "4.20 to Rwanda hopefully."
A new poll from YouGov has shone an unflattering light on the public's opinion of the government.
Guli Francis-Dehqani says Priti Patel challenging critics to provide alternatives “misunderstands” the role of the Church of England.
A minister claimed the plan was a "humanitarian move" after the Archbishop of Canterbury deemed it ungodly.
Home secretary gave a "ministerial direction" to over-ride Whitehall objections.
'It would actually be cheaper to put each asylum seeker in the Ritz hotel in London.”
Tom Pursglove would only say he would be prepared to visit the east African country.
Home secretary Priti Patel is expected to set out further details of a "partnership” with the east Africa country nearly 5,000 miles away.
"It's always easy to blame someone else," the home secretary said.