Reproductive Health

Male birth control gel seems to be safe and effective, a new trial study suggests. But would men take it?
The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that embryos are "children" in the eyes of the law, jeopardising access to IVF for patients in Alabama — and potentially elsewhere.
"Adding the stress of serious legal repercussions to this IVF process feels downright cruel, particularly when individuals already sacrifice so much along the way."
"At the beginning of her second trimester, right after she’d started telling people she was pregnant, she began bleeding and cramping."
Childbirth isn't the only risk factor for the common condition, which affects nearly half of women ages 50 to 79.
We asked experts about the natural ingredient's effect on breast size, reproductive health and the (very real) potential risks.
“I was angry and ashamed of my reproductive organs. I’d once cheered for them. Now I wanted to shout at them.”
The president had vowed "a whole-of-government effort" following the Supreme Court's decision to allow a restrictive abortion law in Texas to go into effect.
Cases of syphilis have also more than doubled in the past decade.