Tom Tugendhat

The levelling up secretary and Tom Tugendhat did not hold back when I Want To Dance With Somebody came on.
Tom Tugendhat says envoy's meeting risks sending signal that UK is backing the regime.
As foreign secretary visits Qatar, Sir Nick Kay said ‘face to face’ engagement was welcome
The foreign secretary gave a defiant appearance in front of the foreign affairs select committee over his handling of the withdrawal.
Tom Tugendhat tells HuffPost UK: “If they are going to drag it out then it will begin to look like they are playing politics with it and that would be a great shame.”
Senior Tory MP Tom Tugendhat joins Arj Singh and Paul Waugh to discuss what’s going on in No.10, whether Covid vaccines could be made compulsory and how whether the new relationship between Johnson and Joe Biden will be a special one.
Tom Tugendhat tells HuffPost UK that if there is a coronavirus vaccine then rejecting it "is going to have consequences".
There are also growing signs of a civil service walkout over his plan to break international law and unpick his own exit deal.
Foreign affairs committee chair Tom Tugendhat tells HuffPost UK's Commons People podcast there are "serious questions" for spy agencies.
Conservative MP and chair of the Commons foreign affairs committee Tom Tugendhat joins Arj Singh, Paul Waugh and Rachel Wearmouth to unpack a big week for national security.