uk benefits

All households can get energy bill support – and some are also eligible for an extra £650.
The levelling up secretary clashed with Talk TV's Julia Hartley-Brewer in a car crash interview.
The chancellor caved in to mounting pressure over the cost of living crisis by announcing a windfall tax on oil and gas firms.
The way the benefits system works means savers may have to burn through their nest eggs during the pandemic.
One woman was left with just 9p after the benefit system swallowed half of her redundancy payout.
The government is using a "poorly designed" system which “threatens the rights of people most at risk of poverty", claims Human Rights Watch.
A benefits loophole means students can't get help with funeral costs no matter how desperate they are. Labour MP Carolyn Harris is among those calling for change.
We will need the skills of migrants and refugees in future. They are keen and ready to help during the pandemic, writes Rossella Pagliuchi-Lor.
DWP taken to court over so-called "minimum income floor".