UK Religion

“‘Stay and fight,’ some queer congregants begged me. But I’d fought valiantly for 15 years, and those stained-glass walls were caging me in.”
"'You really hurt your mother,' she said. I tried to pull my hands from hers but she only grasped tighter. 'And I curse you.'"
Islam is the second-largest religion in the world – so it's a pretty big festival.
For Muslim women, smear tests go beyond five minutes of embarrassment.
Church is a place where you can find comfort, peace and community, but it can also be a place where you find pain, hurt, betrayal, and abuse.
Donald Trump is mad at evangelicals for abandoning him after he announced his 2024 presidential run and he’s letting them know it.
It comes almost a decade after he resigned as the head of the Catholic Church.
“The world is a much smaller place than it used to be – ideas get quickly spread around.”
The latest Census data shows – for the first time – that less than half of the population identifies as Christian.
“This is not just Iran’s problem, it is the world’s problem."