uk teens

EE has issued guidance for parents of under 16's to improve their digital wellbeing.
This type of thinking can have a major impact on young people’s satisfaction with their lives.
Parents often tend to want to "fix" their child's issues, which means they may miss the important first step of recognising their child's feelings.
Young people are particularly at risk of eating disorders.
Even though we may be shocked as parents, here's how to validate your children's feelings.
The changes are so prominent that even the NHS has a page on “coping with teenagers”.
If kids are going to try alcohol eventually anyway, does it make sense for parents to pour them their first drink?
A parent of a 13-year-old wonders if she's invading her daughter's privacy – or if this monitoring is a necessity to protect her.
"I’m trying to avoid the whole physical punishment thing. I don’t really believe in it and I also don’t have the stomach for it," says one parent. So, how should they respond to this phrase?