Weird News

“I do not want America to be as socially conservative as 2012. I want our civilisation to be as socially conservative as we were in 1220,” Michael Knowles said.
A Las Vegas property was searched last month after residents claimed to see tall, big-eyed creatures in their yard. It followed a bright object falling from the sky.
Washington-based radio host Chris Stigall burst out laughing as he explained the cause of the blooper by RealClearPolitics reporter Philip Wegmann.
It resides thousands of feet below the ocean's surface and is rarely seen.
Here's what happens to everything from your poo to your piercings.
The 91,515 coins weighed about 504 pounds, and were delivered to the worker after he was forced to contact the government to get his last pay stub.
Size apparently does matter for male Brookesia nana chameleons.
Arachnids scuttle on the walls and ceiling in the real-life horror filmed by a mother in Sydney, Australia.
Jeanne Pouchain’s status as deceased is the result of a court decision that deemed her dead even though no death certificate was produced.