what it's like to lose

"Those who suffer most when a library closes down often aren’t the loudest in society."
When the Commonwealth Games came to the Scottish city, promises of regeneration were made to locals. But nearly four years later, services are shutting their doors.
Homeless people will go unhoused, elderly and disabled people will go uncared for and vulnerable children will go unprotected. In one of the wealthiest countries in the world, this is unacceptable
The country's north/south divide laid bare a decade since spending cuts began.
Councils are in an unsustainable position, and some are nearly bust – clarity on the future shape of the system is desperately needed
People must have access to the day-to-day services they need, whether it's regular rubbish collection or being able to visit their library and health centre – this is our year to look again
Between 2016 and 2018, more than 100 job centres – about 15% of the network – were closed for good.
In a new series, HuffPost UK is looking at how local communities are changing as services are scaled back.
A post office had stood proudly in Wigan town centre for 134 years, surviving two world wars and a global financial crash – but not three years of Tory government
"In five years time, we'll find we have a really expensive problem."