radio 2

The iconic presenter revealed over the weekend that the BBC was making him leave his Radio 2 show earlier than planned.
The former talk show host stepped down from the BBC station last year, amid something of a mass exodus at Radio 2.
The TV presenter will reportedly take over from the broadcasting veteran following the news that he would be stepping down after 31 years at the station.
Ken made headlines this week when he announced he was leaving the BBC after 40 years.
"Nothing stays the same forever and I have decided the time is right for me to move on."
The broadcaster's departure came amid a period of big changes at Radio 2.
"We are reflecting what we are hearing back from many of our listeners."
The presenter admits the legendary DJ is “a big act to follow” as he prepares to take over his afternoon spot on Radio 2.
The broadcaster is stepping down from his long-held show amid a transitional period for BBC Radio 2.