Newspaper Front Pages Are Already Calling A Conservative Win In The 2015 General Election

The Mirror Front Page Makes A Bold Statement Over A Predicted Tory Victory

The Mirror is to lead with a doom and gloom front page on Friday in the wake of the shock exit poll by BBC/ITV/Sky, which predicted the Conservative Party would win the most seats in the election.

The paper originally opted to lead with an open question but a later edition removed the question mark to make a far harder-hitting statement:

The paper's dark mood comes after it pictured a removal van for the Tories, alongside the headline “Send ‘em packing” on polling day.

The ‘Mirror Removals’ service were apparently “specialists in getting people out QUICKLY”, claiming to be “fully-insured for broken promises” and “experts in moving goalposts”. But, it appears they won't be required.

The majority of the papers are focusing on the predicted Conservative win.

While the Herald focuses on SNP's victory.

The Daily Express is already making demands.

And the Financial Times is pretty unfazed by the whole thing.

On Wednesday, the pages from Britain's leading newspapers were said to have shown the British press at its "partisan worst", according to leading BBC presenter.

A day before the General Election the country's two biggest tabloids ferociously attacked Ed Miliband while other papers have also flew their partisan colours.


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