BBC Breakfast Presenter Graham Satchell Breaks Down Live On Air During Paris Attacks Broadcast

BBC Presenter Breaks Down During Live Paris Broadcast

A BBC Breakfast journalist broke down and had to cut short his segment during a live report from Paris on Tuesday morning.

Graham Satchell was giving a report from the French capital this morning in the wake of Friday's terrorist attack, which left at least 129 people dead and hundreds more injured.

The journalist was standing by hundreds of flowers, candles and tributes at a memorial set up for those who died.

Graham Satchell becomes emotional during live broadcast from Paris

As he was speaking about "the sign of hope" in Paris, Satchell was forced to stop for a moment and look away from the camera.

He apologised, saying he was "so sorry" before concluding his report.

But his visible emotion needed no apologies, as viewers praised him for showing his humanity.

On Saturday, the so-called Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks on the Stade de France, the Bataclan and Paris cafes. Seven of the assailants were killed, six by detonating suicide vests. Police shot one attacker, while an eighth suspect remains at large.

France has launched two air strikes on the Isis stronghold of Raqqa in Syria, targeting a jihadi training camp and a munitions depot on the Syrian city.

The move to bomb the area sparked mixed emotions, with some saying that the air strikes will result in innocent casualties, while others believe that France is justified and was "defending itself".

Police launched a series of anti-terror raids across France on Monday morning as a huge manhunt is under way for surviving members and accomplices of the terrorists who carried out the deadly attacks.


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