Tom Maynard Funeral Attended By Former England Batsmen Andrew Flintoff And Marcus Trescothick (PICTURES)

PICTURES: Cricket Fraternity Turn Out For Maynard Funeral

Cricket star Tom Maynard will be laid to rest at a funeral service in Wales today.

The former Glamorgan and Surrey batsman died last month after being hit by a London Underground train.

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Hundreds of people are expected to pay their respects at the service in Llandaff Cathedral, Cardiff.

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Rory Hamilton-Brown

Maynard - the son of former Glamorgan cricket legend Matthew Maynard - was regarded by many as one of the sport's bright prospects.

In 2007, on his Glamorgan First XI debut he hit 71 runs from 75 balls - and was later snapped up by Surrey.

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Mike Gatting and Andrew Strauss

He was pronounced dead on June 18 after being struck by a tube train in Wimbledon, south London.

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Andrew Flintoff

Last week Maynard's family paid an emotional thank-you to well-wishers.

A spokesman said: "Matthew, Sue and Ceri would like to reiterate their thanks to everyone for the many hundreds of cards, letters, emails and messages they have received following the tragic death of their son Tom.

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Marcus Trescothick

"The level of support has been of real comfort to them."

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Kevin Pietersen

An inquest has been opened and adjourned at Westminster Coroner's Court - with Dr Shirley Radcliffe saying "extensive investigations" were continuing.

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Alec Stewart