There’s A Vulva Highlighter On The Beauty Market And People Are (Understandably) Livid

'My vulva is already perfect. Hairy and beautiful.'

From womb detoxing pearls to tightening sticks, every so often a new product hits the market telling women to their genitals aren’t beautiful enough

The latest product to fall flat on its face is ‘The Perfect V’, a beauty cream to ‘highlight’, ‘soften’ and ‘illuminate’ your vulva.

Unsurprisingly, women on social media are livid.

Like many products for women’s genitals, the brand doesn’t dare utter the word ‘vulva’.

Instead, the company opt for “it” or “V”. Charming.

“We wax it, sugar it, shave it, pierce it, tattoo it, dye it, monogram it – and sometimes even sunbathe it and after all that we expect it to remain beautiful?,” the brand wrote.

“The delicate skin on our face and décolleté receives our attention day and night after far less strenuous treatment, but when it comes to our “V”— forget it. Until now…”

The product even contains a ‘luminious iridescent colour to add some extra prettiness to the V’ - along with Vitamin E and Elderflower. 

One social media user on Instagram summed up exactly how we feel about this product: “My vulva is already perfect. Hairy and beautiful.”

And Twitter users didn’t hold back either. 

Sadly, it’s just another example of a beauty product having little regard for our health and simply feeding into low self-esteem by perpetuating a negative body image. 

Emma Soos, Managing Director at the Women’s Health Clinic told HuffPost UK women should avoid using unregulated products near their vulva:

“Warm areas are breeding grounds for healthy and unhealthy bacteria so any alteration in the flora may affect it adversely. This could be anything from an unpleasant odour and pain, to an infection.

“My advice would always be to leave it to its job, unless there is a problem, whereupon you should always consult with a trained Health Care Practitioner and avoid unregulated products at all costs, as they may cause more harm than good.”

Earlier this month, beauty influencer Jeffree Star was seen promoting penis contouring

The well-known makeup artist revealed that he has contoured below the belt by sculpting his penis to make it look slimmer.  

The 31-year-old Californian even paired up with fellow YouTuber Shane Dawson for a makeup tutorial on the trend. 

The Perfect V will soon be available worldwide from 27 July.