Dad Sobs In Powerful Photo With Newborn Showing His Poignant Tattoo

It's bittersweet.

A birth photographer captured the bittersweet moment a new dad sobbed as he held his daughter for the first time.

The dad, Hunter, and his wife, Hope, had a long journey to becoming parents and experienced several miscarriages.

The photo displays the dad’s poignant tattoo of a tree, that he had after the couple’s first miscarriage.

“This is a story about a mum and a dad who went through loss and persistence to get their baby,” photographer Leilani Rogers wrote on Instagram.

“The tattoo on his chest was done after their first miscarriage, and now his daughter lies her sweet head against it,” Rogers wrote.

“Both of them a reminder of triumph.”

The photo was taken 20 minutes after Hope gave birth.

Hunter said as well as the couple’s struggle with infertility, the couple had a threat of loss with this baby which was what made the moment so emotional.

“Hope laboured like a champ for 24 hours,” the new dad told Mamamia.

“When her body began to shut down a bit she got an epidural, rested for a few hours, and then gave birth effortlessly to sweet Evelyn the next morning.”

What a precious shot.

[H/T: Mamamia].
