EU Referendum Results See Londoners Call For Independent Capital After Brexit Vote

Could London actually break away?

As Britons come to terms with their seismic decision to leave the European Union on Friday, some felt that the result could trigger further bids for independence.

Former Scottish first minister Alex Salmond said that he was "quite certain" that Nicola Sturgeon would push for another vote on Scottish independence, while Sinn Fein called for a referendum on the reunification of Ireland.

But the people of London also joined the fray, calling for their own exit.

"Can London" began trending on Twitter as residents of the capital began pleading for their own independence...

Can London now call an 'independence from UK' referendum? #Brexit

— Hugo Spiers (@hugospiers) June 24, 2016

How do we do a London exit from UK?

— William Skeaping (@skeapspeaks) June 24, 2016

The UK can leave the EU but can London leave the UK and stay in the EU we ain't suffering for all your mess smh we don't deserve this

— aksa loves ot5 (@dilwaleziam) June 24, 2016

Can't London and Scotland stay in ? #EUref

— Natasha Devon (@NatashaDevonMBE) June 24, 2016

Can London now vote to leave the country and join Europe? #Brexit

— Josh Newis-Smith (@omy_josh) June 24, 2016

Can London choose to exit the UK? I'd be down with that.

— Kane1345 (@Solid_SnakeUK) June 24, 2016

Some suggested London could form its own country along with an independent Scotland and Ireland or Northern Ireland...

If Scotland can separate and re-join, can London? I would totally vote for a beautiful, diverse, progressive city-state run by @SadiqKhan

— Lucy Thackray (@LucyInTheSky22) June 24, 2016

London, Scotland and Ireland can make their own country? 🤔

— Dewbz (@Doobs_McGhee) June 24, 2016

Let's make London a separate state. Sadiq Khan can be our leader. Scotland can join too. Who's up for that?

— MATTHEW (@mattwillsmusic) June 24, 2016

OK Scotland, time for that second referendum and I'm FULLY on board now. Care to join us, London? We can call it Scotlond.

— Christopher (@thetroublewith) June 24, 2016

Can't London join Scotland and Northern Ireland in leaving England? #StrongerIn

— *vickaay (@vickylankester) June 24, 2016

Nicola Sturgeon said she and London Mayor Sadiq Khan share the same view about their areas remaining in EU.

She said: "I have also spoken this morning with Sadiq Khan and he is clear that he shares this objective for London, so there is clear common cause between us."

A regional voting map show just how dis-united the UK was over the result:

The dis-United Kingdom: Scotland, Northern Ireland and most London boroughs voted to remain
The dis-United Kingdom: Scotland, Northern Ireland and most London boroughs voted to remain

Most London boroughs voted to remain in Thursday's vote.

Across all London boroughs, 59.9% (2.26 million) voted in favour of remaining in the EU. In some areas, the remain vote was more than 70%.

The Leave campaign swept up millions of votes across the north of England, the Midlands, the South East and Wales.

The Financial Times reported that bankers are split over the implications of Brexit for the City of London, where foreign exchange trading dominates.

It pointed out that foreign banks could end up shifting staff to other Eurozone cities, such as Frankfurt, Dublin, Paris, Warsaw and Lisbon.

Despite an on-the-day poll predicting a win for Remain, Leave voters turned out in droves in order to take the UK out of the EU.

A petition for the government to hold a second referendum on Brexit has proved so popular it temporarily crashed the parliament website.

Within just hours of the historic Leave vote, it had already gained 60,000 signatures and counting.

The petition states:

We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum.

Demand meant the petition website was temporarily unavailable.

Of a turnout of 72.2%, (46,500,001 people) 51.9% voted to Leave and 48.1% to Remain.

Here's how the country voted...

Scotland voted in favour of staying in the EU by 62% to 38%, with all 32 council areas backing Remain.

Northern Ireland voted to Remain 55.7% to 44.3%. Wales voted 51.7% to 48.3% to Leave.

The North East voted to Leave 58% to 42%, as did the North West with 53.7% Leave votes to 46.3% Remain.

The West Midlands also voted to Leave 59.2% to 40.8%. 59.9% of Londoners voted to Remain, with 40.1% balloting to Leave.

Yorkshire & Humber voted to Leave 57.7% to 42.3%, with the East seeing 43.5% Remain against 56.5% to Leave.

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