
"The bullying I’ve endured has been relentless. It was so bad that sometimes kids would shout at me from their windows as I passed."
"I wish I could say I swooped in and saved Nina from her tormentors, but I would have to accept failure — and acknowledge my own powerlessness — in order to do that."
"One moment you’re just a kid, and the next you are a Person of Colour."
"Tom’s bullying was brutal. He made fun of my name. He made fun of my weight. He made fun of my family, my school work, my clothes. Nothing was off-limits."
School might be out but access to technology means, for some, there's no escaping abuse.
The actor revealed how she was victimised by a mean girl and got even.
The high-profile Tory's political career lies in tatters.
"No other parent should have to go through what I’ve gone through, and I want to do whatever I can to make sure they don’t."
Independent panel found him guilty of "foul-mouthed and drunken abuse".