
"I received no support and did my best to provide care for the children with no emotional or financial help. had to give up my job and my bed – I had to sleep on the sofa, and I’m still there."
The huge challenges facing the many thousands of kinship carers across the UK are too often forgotten by politicians and policymakers, writes Ed Davey.
When we get through this coronavirus crisis it will be because of the hard work and sacrifice of so many, Angela Rayner writes.
The last few years, austerity has leant heavily on families like ours. All this hacking away at services has piled incredible financial, physical and mental strain onto families like mine.
Some 1.3 million people, or 3% of the general UK population, are parents who also looks after elderly, disabled, or sick relatives.
As a sandwich carer, supporting carers is close to my heart - I’m pleased there is now considerable commitment by the government to help
We will never shirk our responsibility – but the help we get stretches as far as a wooden elastic band
"You grieve for the life you thought you were going to have."
'I dread the extra hours I have to do in the summer holidays as it can get very boring.'
Experts are worried this will affect women's career and financial prospects.