Chris Skidmore

Chris Skidmore accused Rishi Sunak of "siding with climate deniers".
"I can no longer stand by," says former minister, who causes another by-election headache for the prime minister.
The prime minister says he can achieve net zero "in a better, more proportionate way".
Chris Skidmore said it was "the wrong decision at precisely the wrong time".
Chris Skidmore has become the latest Conservative MP to confirm they are not standing at the next election.
The most important announcement today was one you won’t have heard of.
New MP for Coventry South was in first cohort of students to pay £9,000 a year and says she is in £50,000 of debt.
Theresa May has said she will resign after the next stage of Brexit.
Brexit 'doesn’t give everyone a carte blanche to suddenly come up with hardline ideas.'
Sir Henry Bellingham says they boasted about it on social media.