coming out

"It started with us hanging out as roommates, then as friends, and then in a way I couldn’t quite name. It felt completely different than any crush I’d suffered through with a boy."
"I thought about all those times I sat in his study across from him, aching to ask him if he needed to tell me anything before it was too late. I’d open my mouth, but the words never formed."
"Almost overnight everything in my life changed for the better..."
"I felt like I didn’t 'count' as queer since I presented as a straight, monogamous mum."
"The joy is seeing my child grow into the person that they always were and find their community."
"This meant so f***ing much to me. To see it placed into words."
On National Coming Out Day, LGBTQ people took to Twitter to share their experiences. Here are eight pieces of advice that stood out.
We got lost in the depths of YouTube. Here are our favourite coming out stories, offering support, happiness and hope.