COVID-19 vaccine

According to a new study, it's more complicated than just lighting one up though.
The prime minister has called for everyone who has not yet been jabbed to get their Covid vaccine.
Here's how the rise of Omicron may affect the start of the new spring term.
With so many numbers and predictions being thrown around, it's hard to know what to think about the latest Covid variant.
If you're vaccinated and responsible but got a breakthrough infection thanks to Omicron, this is for you.
The vaccines do offer protection against Omicron – just not as much as we might have hoped.
From administering jabs to running the car park, the programme wouldn't have been possible without them.
Feeling dehydrated after rolling up your sleeve for a vaccine? Here's what's going on.
Covid-19 is becoming endemic, making vaccines likely in future, but not forever.