domestic violence

My refuge helped me rebuild my life again. Despite the pandemic, I am happy and free for the first time in my life.
Either I complied and let him spend my money, or there was no telling what he might do. Thousands of others are facing the same during this pandemic.
The living hell faced by those vulnerable to domestic violence under the March lockdown is set to repeat itself, writes Harriet Williamson.
Campaigners call for 'dangerous' loophole that allows separated parents to withhold contact to be scrapped.
Mel Mustafa has vowed to set up a domestic violence charity in the name of the mother-of-three, whose life fell apart after she lost her job and home.
Jess Phillips criticised the PM for doing "nothing" to help women and BAME people who have also been hit hard by coronavirus.
Why wasn't the musician sent to prison for assaulting his ex-fiancee? Mandu Reid writes
The actor is currently suing The Sun's publisher over an article published in 2018 describing him as a "wife beater".
Hidden faces, understaffed pubs and a return to indoor drinking could escalate abusive behaviour.
The former This Morning presenter has come under fire over his latest column in the Telegraph.