ed miliband

Boris Johnson "owes the British people the truth," according to the shadow cabinet minister.
The former Labour leader was quick to defend Starmer after his embarrassing HGV moment.
Covid fog has made it even tougher to climb Labour’s electoral mountain.
Labour accused ministers of "preparing to take a sledgehammer to workers’ rights" amid reported plans to scrap the 48-hour working week.
Boris Johnson is "playing Russian roulette with jobs and livelihoods of people up and down the country" by flirting with no deal, he adds.
No wonder so many Tory MPs have set up sweary WhatsApp asking the question
Prime minister to open Commons debate on controversial Internal Market Bill which breaks international law - and Ed Miliband will respond.
Lord Stewart Wood tells HuffPost UK he was glad his party floated the idea in recent days, despite it causing "short-term trouble".
The prime minister said it would be a "mistake" to respond to coronavirus by going "back to what people called austerity".