ed miliband

Labour was plunged into its worst defeat since 1935 despite outspending the Tories on Facebook.
Chief prosecutor versus high priest of populism. Get ready for the next four years.
Wes Streeting told HuffPost UK Miliband could reinvent himself as a successful shadow business secretary despite his mixed fortunes as Labour leader.
Labour’s newly-elected leader has begun to stamp his authority on the party.
Former party leader is the new shadow business secretary.
Starmer secures overwhelming victory over Rebecca-Long Bailey in what will be seen as a rejection of Jeremy Corbyn's project.
Here are the hopefuls who could end up on the Labour front bench opposite newly appointed chancellor Rishi Sunak.
With even trade union members not yet ready to vote Labour, can they be turned in ten days?
Former Labour leader accused of lying to Leave-backing voters in his Doncaster North seat.