ed miliband

Shadow climate change secretary criticised the idea of the PM being "a leader on clean energy".
Backing out of UN summit follows removal of environment minister and Alok Sharma, the Cop26 president, from cabinet.
From Michael Gove trolling to that The Thick Of It quote, the best moments on social media amid the chaos.
Ex-Labour leader responds to David Cameron's seven-year old jibe after Kwasi Kwarteng's departure.
University of York study suggest 45 million people will be battling to make ends meet by January.
The senior Labour frontbenchers say the Conservative leadership contenders are "living on another planet".
Labour’s proposal for a windfall tax on oil and gas companies is defeated.
The former leader spoke out after Sadiq Khan was hit by a shadow cabinet backlash
Labour accuses government of putting pressure on regulator to extend deadline for Cuadrilla to seal the shale gas wells.