Independent Group

All 11 of the MPs who quit Labour or the Tories lost their seats last week.
The East Midlands voted Leave by a clear majority in 2016, but everwhere we go we receive with a warm welcome, and the majority of people were very supportive towards our party and the idea of a People’s Vote.
Brexit has turned our lives upside down and I had two options: to sit down and wait for my fate to be delivered to me, or fight for my rights and my beliefs. I choose to stand up.
Brexit, in any form, will stunt our future economic prospects but both parties treated this crisis like the elephant in the room
"Alastair, Amélie and I are brimming with happiness."
But the party is holding elections to replace other splitters on the influential cross-party groups.
Former PM says he is 'deeply concerned' about Jeremy Corbyn's leadership.
TIG shouldn't have a single leader or fight by-elections, peer says