
With the Israeli government supporting tourism as a means to consolidate the settlements, let us not forget that the settlements are entirely illegal under international law.
It is claimed she will perform two songs at this year's contest in Tel Aviv.
Journalist Liel Leibovitz shares how it felt to find out his dad was the 'Motorcycle Bandit', and how that gave him the freedom to decide what kind of man he wanted to be
Shohfah-El Israel is charged with the 21-year old midwifery student's murder
Every company that makes money from the occupation is contributing to the entrenchment of ‘a discriminatory regime’
Israel and Gaza have exchanged the most intense rocket fire since the 2014 Gaza War. The latest flare-up came after a botched Israeli military operation in Gaza. Hamas militants fired over 300 rockets into Israel while the IDF retaliated with strikes on over 100 targets.
The files provide an early hint of Assange’s budding relationship with Moscow.