jonathan ashworth

Prime minister's aide refuses to issue apology or correct the record after false claim in the Commons.
Social media companies should be held to account for spread of disinformation and conspiracy theories, party argues.
“They are paying these consultants the weekly equivalent of what a nurse earns in a year," one MP said in reaction.
Jonathan Ashworth says Tory ministers' constituencies spared restrictions despite some having higher infection rates.
Boris Johnson promised the briefings would return when the government had "something really important to say".
Boris Johnson has put Britain on lockdown to slow the spread of coronavirus across the country. Businesses are shut with the public asked to only leave their homes for essential travel or exercise. But has the message been muddled? And did the response come fast enough?Shadow health secretary Jon Ashworth joins Arj Singh, Paul Waugh and Rachel Wearmouth via video call to discuss the government’s response and the future of Labour as Jeremy Corbyn bows out as Labour leader.
Shadow health secretary said ministers must "leave no stone unturned" in search of intensive care units to treat sick.
Shadow health secretary also says coronavirus emergency funds are needed and that Keir Starmer "isn't boring".
Will ‘undecideds’ stay at home, flip to Johnson or ‘come home’ to Labour?