jonathan ashworth

The frontbencher was beaten by a pro-Gaza independent candidate.
The prime minister says Keir Starmer will hike taxes by £2,000 per household if he wins the election.
The Labour frontbencher unpacked how life in the UK has become so much more expensive since the Tories got in.
Jonathan Ashworth clashed with the Conservative deputy chairman during the BBC's local election coverage.
Shadow work and pensions secretary unveils a raft of proposals to overhaul welfare system which "too often... disincentivises work".
"I see it in people’s faces, I feel it in their handshakes – there is a yearning for change."
Jonathan Ashworth says the system has become too focused on punishing people rather than finding them the best job.
One usually sympathetic newspaper warned Sunak to fix the cost of living crisis or risk losing the next election.
Jonathan Ashworth said long waiting lists were pushing people into the private sector to get treatment.
One expert has warned they could be a "nightmare" to put into law.