junk food

Our commitment to being "good mums" leads us to make very different decisions, and it shouldn't be that way.
People "don’t want the government telling them what to eat", Liz Truss has said.
Inequalities and people being "cash poor" and "time poor" are the real causes of unhealthy eating, say campaigners.
Three quarters of the best-selling items in hospitals are unhealthy, a study has found.
Experts call for global consumption of plant-based food to double, while red meat intake is halved.
40% of 10-11 year olds in the capital are overweight or obese.
We asked parents if Tony the Tiger and the Milky Bar Kid should be banned from kids' food.
If there had been higher prices on ‘unhealthy’ food when I was a kid, I would have gone to bed hungry