Liberal Democrats UK

Our party should always provide a home for the Luciana Bergers of the world – but the Phillip Lees need to check their baggage at the door, writes Chris Whiting
Liverpool Wavertree MP says it is "the strongest party to stop Brexit, fight for equality and a fairer country".
Boris Johnson's government no longer has a working majority.
Fresh study of 10,000 voters shows SNP and Lib Dems would make gains. Dominic Grieve says Tories risk showing party has ‘no place for moderates’.
" I think ultimately Jeremy Corbyn’s personal view is different."
Jonathan Wallace was defeated in an election and filmed a rant for YouTube.
Chancellor repeats pledge to stick to October 31 exit date, as Lib Dems say latest figures prove economic warnings on no-deal Brexit.
Did the Tories really have a good night despite losing to the Liberal Democrats? We asked the experts.
It is time to congratulate Jane Dodds and the Lib Dems and then to draw breath and consider what might have happened in the absence of our cooperation, Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price writes.