
It may be reaching 40C now, but remember when there were flash floods?
"Gin aside, I love the mix of pumping music and cheering crowds."
A 29-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder.
Thousands of counterfeit Wonka bars were seized, but no golden tickets in sight.
A spokesman for the mayor of London said: “The prime minister is wrong – plain and simple."
Conservative candidates have put disclaimers on their leaflets pleading with the public not to “punish” them for “mistakes made in Westminster”.
Lambeth was accused of trying to "cancel" an entire London suburb called "Tulse Hill".
Scotland Yard apologises after safeguarding review found teenager's treatment was “unlikely to have been the same” had she not been Black.
The activists have attached slogans to Oleg Deripaska's £25 million home which read: "This property has been liberated."