plastic free

We look at brands to avoid and eco-friendly alternatives.
Can you avoid single-use plastic for a month? Millions of people from around the world have signed up for Plastic Free July, an initiative from the Plastic Free Foundation. Participants take on the challenge to avoid single-use plastic for the month, swapping out disposable cups for reusable ones, and plastic shopping bags for material totes. Half of all plastic produced is designed to be used only once and then thrown away, adding to the trillions of pounds of plastic waste polluting the planet.
It’s time for the UK to ban single use plastics, invest in alternatives to plastic and transform our waste management systems so that we can recycle nearly every aspect of what we produce
It's also turning coffee grinds into a renewable energy source. ☕
Here are some eco-friendly alternatives 🍫
We are on the cusp of a fundamental transformation in our relationship with plastic packaging in food and drink