Pollution and Waste

These “floating cities” can have devastating consequences for life on land and sea.
From buying house plants to changing your route to work – here's how to limit your exposure to pollution on a daily basis.
According to the Committee on Climate Change, the UK is in a position to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Achieving this target would be in line with the commitment the UK and the rest of the world agreed to under the Paris Agreement. The Committee's report states that the UK has the basic foundation to cut its emissions by 2050, but the policies required to deliver this would need to be strengthened. They believe the cost of making the necessary changes would be manageable.
Air pollution is a major public health risk, ranking alongside cancer, heart disease and obesity. Millions of premature deaths are linked to air pollution each year, up to 36,000 of those early deaths are in the UK. Here are some small changes you can make to help reduce your exposure to air pollution.
Schools had to close in Bangkok this week as air pollution reached hazardous levels. Thai authorities launched five water-spraying drones over the city in the hope that they could take some of the dust particles out of the air. Critics say the drones are a PR stunt and that the authorities need to take stronger action in getting air quality back to safe levels. Bangkok is currently the fifth most polluted city in the world.
As with so many things these days, when the government can’t lead and citizens are demanding a safe environment for their children, it falls to MPs to pick up the slack
The solutions are out there, we just need the government to grasp them
"We must take strong, urgent action," Environment Secretary will say.
Scientists discovered sooty particles in pregnant women's placentas
Government consultation prompted record-breaking response.