Presidential Debates

The president is working to assuage supporters, adding on Tuesday that his comments were “not an excuse, but an explanation.”
The president took off the gloves before the first ad break in the high stakes presidential debate.
The former president's avoiding the question does not bode well for this November’s presidential contest.
"Let's pick the dates, Donald. I hear you're free on Wednesdays," the president said, referring to the day of the week Trump is not in court for his criminal trial.
With less than four months before primary voting starts, the non-Trump field likely did little to make up ground against the coup-attempting front-runner.
Ron DeSantis who? The 2024 field aiming their guns on a political newcomer is another sign of the Florida governor's weakened position in the race.
“Abortions on demand,” “born alive abortions” and other fact-free claims were on display at the first GOP debate.
The thrice-indicted ex-president was explaining why he's sitting out Republican debates when he made the remark that begged a reply.
Chris Christie has known him for decades, helped him prep for debates, and is willing to take the fight directly to him like no one Trump has ever faced.